Monday, December 24, 2007

Nazi Data Detected: ACCESS DENIED

Ethics of Inquiry
Should I Squash a Mouse to Find Out the Exact Sound Made By A Mouse Being Squashed

Who: Nazis and prisoners

What: Nazi experiments which contributed to the Great Cause of knowledge construction, but which regretfully (to the experimentees' regret, of course, not the experimenters') involved the sacrifice of a few guinea pigs along the way

When: 1942

Where: Dachau concentration camp

Why: To determine the most effective method of rewarming for military use

1. Create conditions cold enough to decrease body temperature rapidly.
2. Rewarm when body temperature falls below X degree Celsius / Fahrenheit.
3. Observe and record which method of rewarming is the most effective.

So what?
Usage of Nazi data by Air-Sea Rescue Services of the U.S. Armed Forces --> Justified?

Thanks to:

T-lymphocyte does not wear weird mushrooms.
T-lymphocyte wears cool mushrooms.

One does not have to be smart like SuperBananaBomb, Deathnote and T-lymphocyte to figure out the brilliance behind T-lymphocyte's pseudonym.

Just refer to one's biology textbook.

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